10 Conditions 4 Transition To Communism

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

Repeal Term Limits 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Barack Obama's Most Inspiring Moment

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Judicial Watch: 10 Most Corrupt Politicians For 2009 (Obama #7)

  1. Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT):  This marks two years in a row for Senator Dodd, who made the 2008 “Ten Most Corrupt” list for his corrupt relationship with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and for accepting preferential treatment and loan terms from Countrywide Financial, a scandal which still dogs him.
  2. Senator John Ensign (R-NV):  A number of scandals popped up in 2009 involving public officials who conducted illicit affairs, and then attempted to cover them up with hush payments and favors, an obvious abuse of power. 
  3. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA):  Judicial Watch is investigating a $12 million TARP cash injection provided to the Boston-based OneUnited Bank at the urging of Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank.
  4. Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner:  In 2009, Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner admitted that he failed to pay $34,000 in Social Security and Medicare taxes from 2001-2004 on his lucrative salary at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), an organization with 185 member countries that oversees the global financial system.
  5. Attorney General Eric Holder:  Tim Geithner can be sure he won’t be hounded about his tax-dodging by his colleague Eric Holder, US Attorney General
  6. Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)/ Senator Roland Burris (D-IL):  One of the most serious scandals of 2009 involved a scheme by former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to sell President Obama’s then-vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder.
  7. President Barack Obama:  In 2009, Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner admitted that he failed to pay $34,000 in Social Security and Medicare taxes from 2001-2004 on his lucrative salary at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), an organization with 185 member countries that oversees the global financial system.  (Did we mention Geithner now runs the IRS?)  It wasn’t until President Obama tapped Geithner to head the Treasury Department that he paid back most of the money, although the IRS kindly waived the hefty penalties.  In March 2009, Geithner also came under fire for his handling of the AIG bonus scandal, where the company used $165 million of its bailout funds to pay out executive bonuses, resulting in a massive public backlash.  Of course as head of the New York Federal Reserve, Geithner helped craft the AIG deal in September 2008.  However, when the AIG scandal broke, Geithner claimed he knew nothing of the bonuses until March 10, 2009.  The timing is important. According to CNN:  “Although Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told congressional leaders on Tuesday that he learned of AIG's impending $160 million bonus payments to members of its troubled financial-products unit on March 10, sources tell TIME that the New York Federal Reserve informed Treasury staff that the payments were imminent on Feb. 28.  That is ten days before Treasury staffers say they first learned ‘full details’ of the bonus plan, and three days before the [Obama] Administration launched a new $30 billion infusion of cash for AIG.”  Throw in another embarrassing disclosure in 2009 that Geithner employed “household help” ineligible to work in the United States, and it becomes clear why the Treasury Secretary has earned a spot on the “Ten Most Corrupt Politicians in Washington” list.
Full List and Details:

(Video) Obama: Communist Stooge For SEIU and ACORN

Obama Health Care Lies

Monday, December 28, 2009

Response To Obama: “Islam Has Always Been A Part Of America's Story"

Dear Mr. Obama:

Were those Muslims that were in  America  when the Pilgrims first landed?

Funny, I thought they were Native Americans.

Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native Americans.

Can you show me one Muslim signature on the  United States  Constitution? Declaration of  Independence ? Bill of Rights? Didn't think so.  Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from  England ? No.

Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in  America ? No, they did not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own 'half brother' a devout Muslim still advocates slavery himself, even though muslims of Arabic descent refer to black muslims as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family's "rich Islamic heritage" doesn't it Mr.Obama?

Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present. There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King Jr.. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.

Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era? Again, not present. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture. So much so that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or for talking to a man that is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights aren't they?

Where were Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.

Finally Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World   Trade Center , the Pentagon or a field in  Penn sylvania  killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the middle east. No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo , Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here in  America .

And now we can add Fort Hood , November 5, 2009 and Christmas 2009 Amsterdam-Detroit flight.

More Information At:

Sunday, December 27, 2009

25 Muslim Brits In Jet Bomb Plots

The Sun reports COPS fear that 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb Western airliners.
The fanatics, in five groups, are now training at secret terror camps in Yemen.  It was there London-educated Umar Abdulmutallab, 23, prepared for his Christmas Day bid to blow up a US jet.

The British extremists in Yemen are in their early 20s and from Bradford, Luton and Leytonstone, East London.  They are due to return to the UK early in 2010 and will then await internet instructions from al-Qaeda on when to strike.

A Scotland Yard source said: "The great fear is Abdulmutallab is the first of many ready to attack planes and kill tens of thousands.  "We know there are four or five radicalised British Muslim cells in the Yemen.

"They are due back within months when they will be under constant surveillance." The 25 suspects, of Pakistani and Somali descent, were radicalised in UK mosques.  Some had been to university and studied engineering or computer sciences. 


Terrorist Mohammed al-Kalwi issued the video threat in the wake of a Yemeni airstrike on a militant training camp.  Al-Kalwi was reportedly killed in another airstrike on Thursday. Obama's administration is to review all airport security.

More Information At:

Original Post:

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mao Transvestite Self-Love Obama X-Mas Vs. Love Jesus & Country Reagan X-Mas

A Disrespectful And Disgusting Display By The Anti-American President Obama

President Reagan Showing Respect To Jesus For His Sacrifice And Thanking All Americans

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cuban Government: Obama Arrogant Liar, Deceitful, Sinister, Threatening and Back-Room Dealer

Havana, Cuba - Cuba's foreign minister called President Barack Obama an "imperial and arrogant" liar Monday for his conduct at the U.N. climate conference, a reflection of the communist island's increasingly fiery verbal attacks on the U.S. government.

Bruno Rodriguez spent an hour and a half lambasting Obama's behavior in Copenhagen, telling a news conference, "at this summit, there was only imperial, arrogant Obama, who does not listen, who imposes his positions and even threatens developing countries."

He called the summit "a fallacy, a farce" and said Washington used back-room deals and strong-arm tactics to foist on the world a deal that he labeled "undemocratic" and "suicidal" because it urges - but does not require - major polluters to make deeper emissions cuts.

Rodriguez also said Cuba and other poor nations have refused to recognize the agreement because they weren't permitted to participate in its development.

He singled out comments Obama made during a news conference in Copenhagen, when the U.S. president said no agreement had yet been reached but he was confident one would before the summit ended. "Obama knew he was lying, that he was deceiving public opinion," the foreign minister said.

When asked if Cuba was serious about forging a climate agreement given that President Raul Castro declared Copenhagen a failure days before it ended, Rodriguez said, "Cuba's prestige is well-recognized in international negotiations."


"In the past few weeks we have witnessed the stepping up of the new administration's efforts in this area," he said, adding that the arrest "demonstrates that the enemy is as active as ever."

Rodriguez's comments Monday echoed remarks by former President Fidel Castro, who in a weekend opinion column called Obama's speech in Copenhagen "deceitful, demagogic and full of ambiguities."

Last week, the elder Castro, who stepped down as head of state in February 2008, wrote that Washington is looking to solidify its control over Latin America and that Obama's "friendly smile and African-American face" hide his government's sinister true intentions for the region.


Monday, December 21, 2009

The EU: Communist Obama Orders US Troops To CA, CA Soon To Declare Bankruptcy

(EU Times) Kremlin position papers presented to Prime Minister Putin today on his upcoming meeting with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen state that the European-US military alliance has authorized an ‘emergency request’ from President Obama to utilize American and Canadian NATO troops to put down what is expected to be a “rebellion” after the expected January, 2010 ‘declaration of bankruptcy’ by the State of California.

According to these reports, Obama’s fears of rebellion are due to the economic health of California (the United States largest State) after the 3rd largest US State, New York, declared a ‘fiscal emergency’ and refused to release to its cities and towns over $750 Million due them this past week with the Governor of New York, David Paterson, declaring “I can’t say this enough: The state has run out of money.”

New York’s fiscal crisis, however, pales in comparison to California’s, where new economic data points to its expected 5-year budget deficit reaching the staggering amount of over $100 Billion which Russian economists warn will result in budget cuts so steep as to create ‘social chaos’ among this States 36 million citizens.

Reports from the United States are, indeed, confirming the mass movement of military supplies and thousands of Canadian Special Forces Troops to California from the Canadian Forces Base of Petawawa to join their American military counterparts, with ‘secondary’ reports stating that at least 1,000 tanks are massing their too.
Russian Military Analysts are further warning in this report that Obama has decided to implement the feared RAND Corporation (one of the most powerful research arms of the US Military-Industrial-Homeland Security Complex) police state ‘blueprint’ tilted “Stability Police Force for the United States: Justification and Creating U.S. Capabilities” that has been modeled on the Nazi German secret police forces organization Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) meant to ‘control and demoralize’ any opposition to the state.

Even worse for these American people is the legalization process currently embedded in their new health care legislation which will see everyone of them becoming virtual slaves of their government, and as warned about by the Fox News Service in their report titled “Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid of Obama’s Latest Big Brother Plan” and which says:

“Under the Democrats’ national health care scheme not only would OPM be charged with overseeing and administering federal employees health care but they will have the added charge of administering civilian federal health care as well. What does that mean? Basically, that Americans will be treated as “civil servants.” Are you starting to see the danger?

The more government seeks to control our lives the more Orwellian it gets. This “big brother” mentality that “government knows best” and that it is their mission to provide cradle to grave “care” of its citizens will doom America as we know it. Under such a system the individual becomes meaningless and the state becomes the entity upon which we are all forced to rely.”

Unfortunately, with or without these Americans succumbing to the loss of their Nation through the establishment of a police state, their fate appears to have already been sealed as new reports are showing that by their continued saving they are failing to provide China with the money needed through the buying of goods to purchase US bonds to keep them afloat, and which has led to the incredible circumstance of the United States, through its Federal Reserve and other financial entities, becoming the largest buyers of their own debt.

Not being seen in all of these dire events by the American people is that their present collapse as an independent Nation was engineered by their own President Obama, who working in concert with the previous President, George Bush, sold them out to Wall Street by packing his administration with banking insiders have, literally, pillaged the entire economic future of the United States for the benefit of their elite classes and, incredibly, supported these once collapsing banks with over $352 Billion in drug money.

And so grave has it become for ordinary Americans that new reports are now showing that in what was once the most powerful Nation on Earth, there now exists an ‘epidemic’ of child hunger and one their fastest growing cities is a tent-town of newly homeless named “Obamaville” in a stark reminder of the thousands of shanty towns named Hoovervilles built during the Great Depression.

For those American people believing their propaganda media reports that a recovery is underway they couldn’t be more mistaken, as newly released data shows that of the millions of jobs lost these past 2 years almost all of them are permanent. And, as always, these people are being kept from knowing the full and brutal truth of their economic collapse with reports also showing that the latest unemployment figures released by the US government were faked.

But to the greatest fears of these Americans should be the newly released information showing that US scientists have perfected, for the first time in history, a new drugless technique to wipe from these people’s minds their very own memories, and as we can read:

Russian Military Psychologists have long warned that the West’s longest term plan to control their soon to be rebellious populations lie in memory altering techniques such as are being perfected in the United States and due to be deployed through their mass media in radio programmes, television, and movie broadcasts outlets as these Nations past reliance on the drugging of their citizens through mass fluoridation is becoming more and more ineffectual.

Important to note too is that the economic collapse of the United States is just one of the catastrophic dangers they are facing, as this past week the giant plant genetics company Bayer admitted in a US Federal Court that it has been “unable to control the spread of its genetically-engineered organisms despite ‘the best practices’ to stop widespread contamination” and which may very well see the destruction of the American’s ability to feed themselves as these ‘monster plants’ reap their destruction on Nature.

To all of these events, it is not in our knowing if the American people will awaken from their self induced slumber to arise, as they have many times throughout their history, to reclaim for themselves what is now rapidly being stolen from them. But, and if their present actions are a predictor to what they may do in the future, one can only fear for them as they are marched in lockstep towards an abyss they only fail to see because they won’t open their eyes.

Full Article Link:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

White House Security Fails Again: 2nd Couple Allowed In Without Invite

Washington, DC - A Georgia couple who showed up at the White House a day early for a tour somehow wound up at an invitation-only breakfast with President Barack Obama and the first lady. It left the White House once again explaining how people who were not on an event guest list wound up being ushered into the presidential mansion anyway.

The improbable adventure of Harvey and Paula Darden, Obama supporters from Hogansville, Ga., took place on Veterans Day, two weeks before Virginia socialites Tareq and Michaele Salahi infamously crashed the Obamas' state dinner for the prime minister of India.

The Dardens mistakenly showed up a day early for a tour scheduled through their congressman.

The White House and Secret Service both said the Dardens went through the appropriate security screenings and were allowed into the breakfast as a courtesy because there were no public tours the day they arrived.

That explanation was news to Harvey Darden, 67, a retired pharmacist, who said he and his wife never were told about the breakfast. They thought they were simply starting their tour until they were ushered into the East Room, offered a buffet spread and told they'd be meeting the president.

"The further we got into the White House, the more surprised we were," Darden Said "My wife looked at me and I looked at her, and I said, 'You know, I don't know if we're in the right place.'"

They approached a White House aide with their concern that they had veered off course but were told to "just go with the flow," Darden said. "I felt kind of funny because I was the only man in the room that wasn't dressed in a coat and tie," he added. "I was just a plain tourist."

Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said agents performed the same screening procedures on the Dardens that were used for other breakfast guests: They checked the Dardens' names and did a criminal background check - steps that were not taken for the Salahis at the Nov. 24 state dinner.

Because the Dardens were able to pass Secret Service vetting, they were allowed to attend the breakfast for veterans as a "nice gesture," White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said. He added that it's not unusual for White House staff to take people who are cleared in for tours to other events if there is space, including Marine One arrivals, East Room events and Rose Garden ceremonies.

Shapiro said the White House Office of Public Engagement, which Obama created to engage citizens in White House activities, was responsible for clearing in the Dardens, as well as the other breakfast guests. The social office handled admittance to the Indian state dinner.

On the morning the Dardens showed up, security officials working from a list of names began letting people inside. When the Dardens reached the checkpoint, they said they were told their names weren't on the list and were asked to present photo identifications and other information.

After waiting for agents to check their information, they were allowed in and directed into the East Room, where about 200 people were gathered for the breakfast.

The Dardens approached an aide who was mingling with guests."I told him, 'I don't think this is part of the White House tour,'" Darden said. "He said, 'No it's not. It's an invitation event for veterans.'"The official, whose name and title Darden didn't remember, asked whether Darden was a veteran. Darden told him he was a Navy veteran, and the aide suggested he stay, Darden said.

So the Dardens served themselves at the buffet, and took their seats. Shortly thereafter, Barack and Michelle Obama arrived and began talking and getting photographs with guests at each table. Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, also stopped by.

Darden said it was "quite a treat" to meet the Obamas and the Bidens. But he remains puzzled about how he was escorted into a private breakfast - and he grew a little anxious after the Salahi episode exploded in the news.
The couple's only regret, Darden said, is that they haven't received a copy of that picture taken with the Obamas.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Rumors About Obama Being Intelligent Are Wrong

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Leaked Agreement Rocks Copenhagen

The Copenhagen climate talks have been rocked by the leak of a draft final agreement which weakens the role of the United Nations in climate change negotiations and abandons the Kyoto Protocol.

The "Danish text" draft agreement, published by the UK's Guardian newspaper, has been described as a dangerous document for developing countries.

Over the past week, parts of Denmark's proposal have leaked into the public domain, but this is the first time it has been published in its entirety.

According to the Guardian, the secret agreement has been worked on by a group of individuals known as the 'circle of commitment'.

It is understood to include Australia, the US, the UK and Denmark, which are all said to have finalised the deal in the past two days.

The document abandons the Kyoto Protocol, sidelines the United Nations in future climate change negotiations, and hands most of the power to rich countries.

The Kyoto Protocol relied on the principle that rich nations - responsible for the bulk of emissions - can and should be compelled to take on the biggest burden when it comes to cutting those emissions.

Under Kyoto, poorer nations were not required to act at all.  The leaked agreement not only brings the developing world into the frame, it allows rich countries to emit twice as much carbon as poor countries.

Elephant in the room
Oxfam International is troubled by the absence of any reference to the Kyoto Protocol, which is the only legally binding agreement on the table.

Oxfam's climate change advisor Antonio Hill says the sidelining of the UN in future negotiations is particularly troubling.

"What it reflects is what you can expect at this stage in the game - when the elephant's in the room the ants get squeezed out," he said.

"And so the concern here is that poor countries will get left out.

"That's a huge concern for us. The attention to this document takes the focus off the negotiations that are actually still in course just this minute, and I think the responsibility of the Danish presidency is to clear the air and then focus on those crunch issues.

"And I think those [issues] are about long-term finance and making sure that rich countries are going to deliver what's needed to help developing counties do their part, as well as some complicated things around how we measure emission reductions both in rich countries and in developing countries as well.

"And finally on the legal form, making sure that everyone is clear that a legally binding agreement is on the table and will be on the table right until the last minute here in Copenhagen."

'Spaghetti bowl' funding
The "Danish text" hands control of the global adaptation fund to the World Bank, and the new financing accord is intended to help the poor cope with rising temperatures while also cutting their own carbon emissions.

The draft includes a figure of $10 billion a year, which Mr Hill says is way short of what is needed.
"Coming out of Copenhagen, that's what we need - to get away from the spaghetti bowl of random funding channels that we now have and set something up that allows large-scale funds.

"At least $200 billion is needed every year by 2020 to allow developing countries to cope with climate changes that are already inevitable, and secondly to join the international effort to actually slash emissions."

A statement issued this morning by UN climate chief Yvo de Boer says that the draft decision paper put forward by the Danish Prime Minister was an informal document for the purposes of consultations.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Chaves / Obama Backed Zelaya OUT Capitalist Lobo New Honduran President

Katie Couric Lays Into “amateur hour” Obama

Katie Couric may be best known for her unflattering interview with Sarah Palin. But her nightly news broadcast this past Monday night may be an indicator that the big liberal media are now turning their guns on Obama.
Couric said on “CBS Evening News” that Americans are growing “disenchanted” with Obama and are openly questioning his credibility.

“Is the honeymoon over?” anchor Couric said at the beginning of her correspondent’s report.

“Although President Obama has been in office less than a year, many Americans are growing disenchanted with his handling of the enormous problems he and the country are facing, from healthcare to unemployment to Afghanistan.

“His poll numbers are sliding, and at least one poll shows his job approval rating has fallen, for the first time, below 50 percent.”

Correspondent Chris Reid chimed in: “The president is getting battered on everything from the economy to foreign policy. Some polls show Americans are increasingly questioning his credibility.”

The report asserted that while Obama talks about dealing with unemployment, which is over 10 percent and expected to rise, he has developed “no new ideas” for dealing with the problem.

CBS also cited a poll showing that only 14 percent of Americans believe Obama’s claim that healthcare reform won’t add to the budget deficit, and only 7 percent believe that the stimulus has created any jobs at all.

The report also criticized the president for being “indecisive” on Afghanistan, and for returning from his recent Asian trip “with little to show for it.”

An expert was quoted as describing his trip as the “amateur hour,” as he did not line up agreements with foreign countries before venturing abroad.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Obama Unemployment Growth Plan

Monday, November 23, 2009

(Video) Saturday Night Live Scorches The Disaster Obama

Monday, November 16, 2009

Communist CNN Reporter Detained In China For Wearing Mao Zedong - Obama Shirt

A CNN correspondent said Monday she was detained byChinese security guards in Shanghai for two hours for displaying a T-shirt on camera depicting US President Barack Obama as Mao Zedong.

Emily Chang, a Beijing-based correspondent for the US television network, said in a blog post on CNN.com that she hunted down the shirt after hearing they had been banned amid fears they "may offend the American president."

The shirt shows Obama, who is making his first visit to China as president, in a Red Army uniform staring into the distance in a pose made famous by the former Chinese leader.
The front of the shirt says "Serve the People" in Chinese, Chang said. "Oba-Mao" is written on the back in English.

Chang said she held the shirt up to the camera while filming a story in a Shanghai market.

"Two security guards happened to pass by at the moment I announced to the camera: 'This is the T-shirt everybody is talking about,'" she said.

"And that was it. They scrambled towards us and tried to pry the shirt out of my hands," Chang said. "I didn't give in.

"There was a bit of yelling and quite a scuffle," she said, adding that CNN "had everything on tape."

"We ended up being detained for two hours in the cold, maze of a market," she said. "A crowd gathered round. More security and then police showed up."They wanted our press cards, our passports, but most of all, they wanted the shirt," she said. "Finally, they let us go. Phew!"

Chang refused to surrender the offending shirt and joked that a number of jealous White House and CNN colleagues had tried to "bribe" her for it.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pravda: Obama Moving America Toward Communism

Obama’s decision not to build the Missile Defense System in Poland and the Czech Republic and his Noble Prize have not yet been comprehended from a philosophical viewpoint. It’s time to do it.

Power of Money against Power of Spirit

The last turning point similar to the current one happened approximately 400 years ago. The Western European society discovered a new hierarchy of values. Feudalism that valued service and chivalry was replaced with capitalism. Wealth became the measure of success, and everyone was to care about his own pocket only. The cult of money replaced all other values, including religious.

Capitalism turned everything upside down and made people more excited about stuffing their bank accounts than anything else. This system turned out to be extremely efficient in terms of production of goods, services, and comfort. America benefited from the system the most, and decided that the rest of the world has to adopt it as well. If some underdeveloped countries are unable to appreciate the benefits of capitalism, they should be forced to do it.

Collapse of the Illusion

Meanwhile, philosophers says that capitalism is driven not by hard cash, but rather, striving for hard cash. It’s driven not by the production of goods, but rather, striving for consumption of these goods.

If everyone had these values, the “dog-eat-dog” principal would be the major principal in the world history. But America failed to do it. There are plenty of “underdeveloped” people in the world who continue to cherish spiritual values. There are not that many chances left to force them into worshiping money since these “underdeveloped” people adopt western technology and become stronger. The appeal to adopt American values doesn’t work either. Why would we adopt the system if the system is in crisis? Pragmatic America realized that billions of people are not willing to live in the kingdom of hard cash and decided that it would be better off leaving this kingdom itself. Now the USA is talking about introducing elements of communism or socialism.

What does Obama’s decision not to build the Eastern European Missile Defense System have to do with all of this? Well, it means that it’s not capitalism that’s undergoing the crisis, but the belief in its high efficiency. And this, in turn, means that America, the bulwark of capitalism, is no longer the boss of the world. And if it’s not the boss any more, it has to be friends with everybody, including Russia. And it’s America’s turn to offer Russia to push the reset button. Or maybe it’s just tired of imposing its rules on others and felt that friendship is more valuable than money and power? If this is the case, we will soon witness another turning point in the world history.

Full Article At:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Obama Manufacturing Czar, Ron Bloom, Admires Mass Murder Mao & Free Market Is Nonsense

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Washington Post: Obama Biggest Disappointment

Eugene Robinson, of the Washington Post, is finally looking past Obama’s skin color and his own.  He wrote a piece being too kind to Obama and naively surprised by his actions:
President Obama's brief display of drive-by compassion Thursday in New Orleans was, for me, by far the worst outing of his presidency thus far -- and the biggest disappointment.
I covered Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath -- the flood in New Orleans that drowned a great city, the storm surge in Mississippi that erased whole communities, the devastation, the agony. For weeks afterwards, I had trouble sleeping. I couldn't forget the scenes I'd witnessed or the stories I'd heard.
More than a year later, I covered a Senate subcommittee hearing in New Orleans on the lagging reconstruction effort. I watched as a young senator who was thought to be considering a presidential run -- that would be Barack Obama -- used his Harvard Law skills to eviscerate Bush-era officials for not doing enough to rebuild and revive the Gulf Coast region. 
So it was strange and disheartening that Obama would wait nine months to make his first visit to New Orleans as president. It was stunning that he would spend only a few hours on the ground and that he wouldn't set foot in Mississippi or Alabama at all. But worst of all was the way he seemed to dismiss the idea that his administration could and should be doing much more.
I know that local officials say the Obama administration is more responsive and more effective than the Bush administration, but that's not saying much. What says more is that New Orleans still doesn't have an operational full-service hospital. And that an adequate flood barrier is still not in place.
"I wish I could just write a check," Obama said. If that was his message, he should have stayed home. We now know that our government can make hundreds of billions of dollars available to irresponsible Wall Street institutions within a matter of days, if necessary. We can open up the floodgates of credit to too-big-to-fail banks at the stroke of a pen. But when it comes to New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, well, these things take time.
I doubt these are the priorities Obama wants to be remembered for.
Full Article At:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Massachusetts Nazis Proclaim Their Love For Obama

Lakeville, MA -- Police along with the Secret Service are investigating after a local country club discovered a symbol resembling a swastika carved into the green.

Lakeville County Club workers discovered the vandalism early Monday morning.  Carved into the green on the 18th hole was a swastika look-a-like next to President Barack Obama's name.  The vandals snuck in at night and carved their message of love, according to the owner of the country club.

"We don't know if they did it with some type of cleated shoe, or they had some type of tool and this time of year to have that happen, it's a problem it's much harder to fix now," said Lou Mincone, the assistant manager of the Lakeville Country Club.

The manager is trying to figure out the best way to get rid of it.  Workers attempted to cover it temporarily with green spray paint; however, the symbol was carved too deep. They will now try to get turf from another area to fill in the message.  Work is scheduled to begin on Tuesday morning. 

Full Story & Video At: