10 Conditions 4 Transition To Communism
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
Repeal Term Limits 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020
Friday, July 16, 2010
(Video) Barack Obama: "Countries like Europe"?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Great Billboard: Hitler = Obama = Lenin (Radical Leaders Prey On The Fearful & Naive)
Comrade Obama’s Documented Lies: 158 and remarkably still growing
2) observable video/transcript contradictions
3) the omission of an important fact the exclusion of which defies common sense unless the intent is to deceive
• 158 Obama claims he wrote letter to US Treasurer to try to prevent the housing crisis; but he acted only AFTER he had caused it by blocking McCain's bill
• 157 Obama claims he is bipartisan ; Congressional Quarterly shows he voted with his party 97% of the time
• 156 Obama's dirty lie scares seniors: falsely claims McCain plans to cut $880 billion from Medicare: liar liar liar says Annenberg Factcheck
• 155 Obama lies about his mother turning to food stamps AND still sending him to top schools; his grandmother paid for education
• 154 Obama lied about being asked to wear dead soldier's bracelet: family had asked Obama to stop wearing it
• 153 Obama claimed all new spending is economic plan was self-funding; short by $3.5 Trillion says nonpartisan Tax Policy Center
• 152 Obama denied Admiral Mike Mullen had called Obama's Iraqi troop plan "dangerous"; Mullen made comment on Fox in July 2008 according to WaPo
• 151 Obama lied about Kissinger's views of diplomacy during first debate; Kissinger confirms the lie
• 150 During Debate 1 Obama denied voting to tax some people making $42000 a year: Annenburg Factcheck,org confirms Obama is lying
• 149 After Debate 1, Team Obama denied Obama ever said, "Iran's not a threat": Video proves Obama DID say "Iran is NOT a threat."
• 148 Obama claims under McCain employers would be taxed on the health care benefits it grants to workers; he's lying
• 147 Obama refers to an Iraqi surplus of $79 billion and says US should have it; its $60 billion and dwindling
• 146 Obama claims only 5% of Americans would see tax increase; he's grossly understating the number of people effected
• 145 Obama accuses McCain of lying about Biden being against clean coal; video proves Obama is lying
• 144 Obama claims McCain is opposed to abortion in cases of rape or incest; McCain has never held that position.
• 143 Obama accuses McCain of making an ad about Obama's vote to approve leaving babies who survive abortion procedures to die; McCain did not make the ad
• 142 Obama's ad on abortion claims BHO always supported medical care to protect infants; text of the Bill he supported shows he wanted babies born alive after abortions to be left to die
• 141 Obama's ad on abortion uses quotes by journalists who made negative comments about a McCain ad; but Obama is misleading because both journalists have been proven to be incorrect
• 140 Obama's lying when he says McCain's ad misstated BHO's Sex Ed for Kindergartners Bill: McCain's ad was accurate; here's the Sex Ed Bill text
• 139 Obama and Biden both truncate McCain's comments on the strength of the economy's fundamentals: deliberate distortion
• 138 Biden claims McCain tried to hurt our veterans by denying them educational benefits; NewsWeek confirms Biden is lying
• 137 Obama claims under McCain, Elderly would have had Social Security tied up in the Stock market; Newsweek cries BS
• 134 Obama claimed during the primary he had more Ex President Clinton Foreign Policy advisers than Sen. Clinton; she had 70% more
• 133 Obama claimed his father served in World War 2: his Kenyan-born father never served
• 132 Obama grossly misquoted Sen.Clinton about her vote on a banking bill; BHO used the false quote to show why voters don't trust Government
• 131 Obama claimed employers are more likely to be struck by lightning than be prosecuted for employing illegals; Gov stats prove he's lying
• 130 Pushing his Green agenda Obama claimed Japanese Car average 45 mpg fuel efficiency; its actually around 29 mph
• 129 Obama disparaged the President saying he hadn't met with auto makers until the sixth year of his presidency; GWB met automakers in April 2003
• 128 Obama disparaged the efficiency of our healthcare system saying the U.S. spends twice per capita than other countries: WaPo proves he's lying
• 127 Obama claims President Clinton's Labor Secretary said BHO's healthcare plan, "Does more than anybody to reduce costs"; Robert Reich did NOT say it
• 126 Obama falsely claimed he won the Michigan Democrat primary: he was not on the ballot
• 125 Obama's Spanish language ad lies about McCain's position on immigration; tries to stir race-war: lies debunked by ABC
• 124 Obama lies about his interference in Iraqi negotiations; but his campaign admits his treachery
• 123 Obama took credit for the economic stimulus package passed in Feb 08; BHO's colleagues on Capitol Hill cry BS
• 122 Obama claims Big Oil is ignoring 68 million acres of oil fields they could be drilling; most fields are being worked
• 121 Obama claims never questions his opponent's patriotism; asks of McCain "WHICH country first?": ABC says he's questioning McCain's patriotism
• 120 Obama claims personal savings rates are lowest since the Great Depression; currently higher than under President Clinton
• 119 Obama claims on this video that he doesn't switch positions; list of 31 flip flops show he's lying
• 118 In the Primaries Obama puffed his resume claiming he was a "Professor"; State Senate bio shows he was not ; he now agrees
• 117 When Obama ran for US Senate his web site claimed "5 years as a community organizer"; he admits it was only 3 years
• 116 Obama's attack ad in Michigan claims McCain doesn't support loan guarantees for auto-industry. McCain DOES support them
• 115 Obama says "if we're STILL in recession when he takes office...etc"; the economy is NOT in recession
• 114 Obama claims he signed up for Selective Service when he graduated from High School; records show he did NOT until he'd been at college 1 year
• 113 Attacking Palin, Obama has the audacity to claim,"Words mean something; you can't just make things up "; BHO makes stuff up
• 112 Biden claims McCain will increase taxes for workers & Obama will only increase taxes on those making $435k: he's lying
• 111 Biden claims Obama drew the Nation's attention to problems at Walter Reed Army Hospital; it was two WaPo reporters that reported the issues to the Nation
• 110 to make Obama seems more American/less exotic, Biden tells Scranton crowd Obama grew up in Kansas; BHO grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia
• 109 Obama lies yet again to disparage Gov. Palin; ignores her executive experience as Governor of Alaska
• 108 Obama says the US economy has failed under Bush; World Bank stats proves Obama's been lying; US a world leader in growth, employment, incomes
• 107 Obama claims if you are born into poverty in America you are on your own: there are many government programs
• 106 Obama claims he's bi-partisan: voting records prove Obama is #11 most partisan
• 105 Claimed Hillary would be on anyone's short-list; Hillary wasn't on Obama's short-list
• 104 Obama claims abortion rates have not gone down under the Bush Administration; stats show they have gone down
• 103 Obama dismissed Bomber Bill Ayers as "some guy who lives in the neighborhood";they had a close working relationship